Re: IFS hole?
Wed, 15 Dec 93 16:02:11 GMT

> has said
> >
> > However, I agree with Peter that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH could be abused,
> > but this is likely to be a general problem and not just one to do with
> > programs that exec other programs.
> >
> >
> It's not like it *COULD* be abused. Every man and his dog can abuse it.
> Give me SunOS, shared libraries & LD_* crap, I will give you root access,
> or something. sekurity.
> -- Jonathan

Just my "quaint" English way of saying things. Of course it can be abused.


* Andrew Beckett                  *                                   *
* Senior Design Engineer          *                                   *
* Fujitsu Microelectronics Ltd    *                                   *
* Highway House                   * phone    : (0628) 71116           *
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